So today, Thanksgiving day in the States and my little brother's birthday (shout out to Josh! You're growing up so fast!!!), I am sitting at school having parent teacher conferences. In Bahrain, the parent teacher conferences are simply a school day without students. You come and sit in your classroom for the whole day and as parents come and go you talk to them about their students. I'm actually not nervous because of the great experience I had last year at Westside. I had some great direction from Patrick and Kim! I did the same thing as last year and made a list of tips for EARNING an "A" in my classes. I hope that the students actually take it to heart and start trying.
Of course just like the states, it's the students with the best grades in class whose parents show up. Then I have had a couple of the other extreme (failing students) whose parents have showed up. I explain everything I have done to try and help their students and I gave them my tips but I'm really curious to see if things are actually going to change. I'm just happy that none of the parents have tried to pin their student's grades on to me as their teacher. I can defend every grade I submitted, so I'm not worried; I was just told that this situation could happen. We will see how the rest of the day goes!
When I am not talking to a parent I am grading my tests from the past week. I almost want to cry. I have only had five students pass and I have almost corrected 50 tests. It is simply disheartening. I have no clue what else to do. I lectured, had them watch videos that retaught the concepts, gave them a study guide, posted the notes on the website, gave them in class time to study... I simply feel like I am running out of options to try and help them. A teacher can only do so much to aid students in their studies. If I could inject the information into their brain I would but it takes time and it's a hard subject to learn. Most of them don't understand that they have to do work outside of class to really know everything really well. I don't feel like there is enough time in class to teach them AND help them apply the knowledge. We have so much stress to "finish the book" and stay with the yearly lesson plan that I have to rush through each chapter. I thought this time I had timed it right though; I thought I gave them a diverse set of materials to be successful, I posted items on the website early... and now, this is their worst test yet. I feel like I'm running out of options and I just don't know how to help them. Students can't stay after school because of the bus, during lunch they only have 20 minutes to eat, before school they aren't allowed in the building... I just have no clue how to help them. I have no clue what other methods I can try. I'm feel like a terrible teacher in the moment yet, many my students say I'm doing a great job and that when I explain things to them they actually understand it.
Well, that was my venting session for the day. Hopefully I can evaluate my teaching currently and look for tips from other teachers in the building. I simply want my students to feel like they can learn the material and at the same time, I don't want to take out ALL the details and only teach the big picture. We will see what happens!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I am missing you all today and wish me luck for the rest of conferences!
Of course just like the states, it's the students with the best grades in class whose parents show up. Then I have had a couple of the other extreme (failing students) whose parents have showed up. I explain everything I have done to try and help their students and I gave them my tips but I'm really curious to see if things are actually going to change. I'm just happy that none of the parents have tried to pin their student's grades on to me as their teacher. I can defend every grade I submitted, so I'm not worried; I was just told that this situation could happen. We will see how the rest of the day goes!
When I am not talking to a parent I am grading my tests from the past week. I almost want to cry. I have only had five students pass and I have almost corrected 50 tests. It is simply disheartening. I have no clue what else to do. I lectured, had them watch videos that retaught the concepts, gave them a study guide, posted the notes on the website, gave them in class time to study... I simply feel like I am running out of options to try and help them. A teacher can only do so much to aid students in their studies. If I could inject the information into their brain I would but it takes time and it's a hard subject to learn. Most of them don't understand that they have to do work outside of class to really know everything really well. I don't feel like there is enough time in class to teach them AND help them apply the knowledge. We have so much stress to "finish the book" and stay with the yearly lesson plan that I have to rush through each chapter. I thought this time I had timed it right though; I thought I gave them a diverse set of materials to be successful, I posted items on the website early... and now, this is their worst test yet. I feel like I'm running out of options and I just don't know how to help them. Students can't stay after school because of the bus, during lunch they only have 20 minutes to eat, before school they aren't allowed in the building... I just have no clue how to help them. I have no clue what other methods I can try. I'm feel like a terrible teacher in the moment yet, many my students say I'm doing a great job and that when I explain things to them they actually understand it.
Well, that was my venting session for the day. Hopefully I can evaluate my teaching currently and look for tips from other teachers in the building. I simply want my students to feel like they can learn the material and at the same time, I don't want to take out ALL the details and only teach the big picture. We will see what happens!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I am missing you all today and wish me luck for the rest of conferences!
Happy birthday bro :)