
Monday, September 3, 2012

School room!

Here ar the pictures from my classroom!  it is a small space but it is becoming home and I love it so much.  I have a big window and wood floors which most classes have tile and smaller windows.  It suits me very well!  My room actually used to be the Middle School principal's office.  It's only about 14 by 16 feet but I make it work!  
 Students normally call you by your first name here and Leigh is short and sweet!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

First day of school!

Hello everyone!
The last five years of my life I have taken classes and studied and wrote papers about what it means to be a teacher. I have learned different teaching techniques and I have taught and observed countless hours in six different schools and four different districts.  Today, all of that can to a head.  I officially became a teacher today.  I had my first day at school.
I was so incredibly nervous this morning.  If off, I am a first year teacher. Secondly, I am in a completely different country that I barely know anything about, I have never taught block scheduling before (NINTY MINUTE CLASSES!!!), and I have never taught ELL students.  So many things that could make a first day horrible because so much is unknown, yet it turned out to be amazing.
My first classes every day are small.  Thirteen students maximum.  It was very nice to start out like this.   I was a little worried because at 2 minutes until the bell, I only had three students in my classroom.  I ended up having eight today with the ninth showing up with ten minutes left in class (apparently some students will not come the first week or two because they are still taking trips with their parents. It's crazy).  I went over the syllabus and had them fill out information cards... pretty much all those first day activities and the students war amazing.  They were friendly, they laughed at me when I tried to say their names (the accent sits at the very back of your tongue so the names are SUPER difficult to say correctly). But, at the same time it showed my students that I can be fun and I can laugh with them.  I think I will have a few girls who will like me.  They seemed so happy to be in my class by the end.
I really could not be happier with the way today turned out.  It was more than I could have hoped for.

I will try and upload pictures of my classroom tomorrow... I don't have the best internet connection right now.  Until next time!